Land of the Midday Moon (Encore)

In honor of our return to the absolutely amazing state of Alaska, I’m reposting an item about an adventure which occured on our last visit. Let me know what you think!

Wait. “Midday moon?

Yep. It remains the land of the midnight sun, but I like this alternative story much better, especially since I experienced it with my bride, my brother and sister, plus two in-laws.

A little background:

It seems there’s a little town in Alaska called Ferry, population 32, although that could easily have changed since the number appeared in a Houston Chronicle article over a  decade ago. The story we heard on the train from Denali National Park to Anchorage covered, or perhaps uncovered, the same stuff. This was back in 2016.

Greater Metropolitan Ferry straddles the Nenana river a short distance south of Denali National Park. Roughly a generation ago, the Alaska Railroad built a bridge across the Learning the truthriver. The folks in Ferry were delighted to finally avoid the 20-mile detour they’d had to endure to cross the Nenana without getting their feet wet. They drove everything but livestock across that bridge, which didn’t set well with the railroad which focused on other issues, like safety, especially after a locomotive hit a vehicle on the tracks. No one, evidently, was hurt. Embarrassed probably, but not seriously injured.

However, the incident caused the railroad to try and enforce its “no crossing” policy. Legend has it the railroad installed spikes in the bridge to discourage drivers. The savvy folk in Ferry retaliated by covering the spikes with wooden planks and continued to drive across.

School photo of an early migrant (top right) to Ferry, Alaska.

School photo of an early migrant (top right) to Ferry, Alaska.

The railroad appealed to the state government which threatened to fine anyone who used the bridge. The residents were displeased, of course, but had little recourse. It’s hard enough to fight city hall; state governments are even tougher. So, they resorted to using the only thing left for honest, law-abiding, American citizens: their first amendment rights. From then on, the story goes, the town folk of Ferry, Alaska, would line up on the Fourth of July each year and moon the Alaska Railroad’s Midnight Sun Express as it rolled by. In both directions!

But the story goes on. When the railroad brought in the Alaska State Patrol to quell the unseemly protest, the residents simply switched their demonstration to the following day, or whenever the troopers weren’t available. Nowadays, anyone riding the Alaska Railroad is mooned carlikely to be mooned almost anywhere. Alaskans, it appears, take their protests seriously.

This was born out when our train was “hit” by a lone mooner as we chugged between Denali and Anchorage. The accompanying photo, though pure fiction, may give you a feel for the experience. Not sure if it’ll help with digestion, but catching a full moon at midday certainly made us all smile.

I can’t wait to write a story about Alaska, its marvelous scenery, and magnificent people.


About joshlangston

Grateful and well-loved husband, happy grandparent, novelist, editor, and teacher. My life plate is full, and I couldn't be happier. Anything else I might add would be anticlimactic. Cheers!
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11 Responses to Land of the Midday Moon (Encore)

  1. don wolf says:

    Shine on Harvest Moon.  Have more fun!

  2. gflinchum says:

    I remember this story from your last Alaska trip. A good one!

  3. Lou Ellen Knight says:

    Cute story.

  4. sharmane67c5b3ec8 says:

    Love this! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Bill McGilvary says:

    This tradition must have spread to Colorado where adventurers on the mighty Colorado River are obligated to “moon” any passing train within eyesight at every opportunity. I speak from experience (leaving it up to you to guess which side I was on). Thanks for the memory!

  6. joshlangston says:

    I can well imagine which side you were on! I suspect this tradition may have also spread to Missouri, the Show Me State. [grin]

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